Being able to contact your shared website hosting company when you have any type of questions or encounter any problems is quite important and how quickly they will answer and take action is essential, particularly if your web site is business-oriented, as more downtime often means losing potential customers. The support solutions are usually a way to identify actual suppliers from resellers. The second usually reply only to e-mails or support tickets and you may have to wait for a day or longer so as to receive a response. If the trouble requires several replies, you may end up losing several days to get a basic problem resolved. Using the services of a genuine and reputable hosting company, you'll be able to contact the support at any time and get a quick reply no matter what the issue or the question is - pre-sales, customer or technical one.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Website Hosting

We acknowledge the importance of receiving assistance without delay, that's why our shared website hosting services feature 24/7 tech support plus several options for contact. If you do not have an account yet, you can easily call us or use our live chat and speak with a live agent, so as to inquire about our services or check if our servers meet the system requirements for your websites. In this way, you'll never end up getting a service that you cannot use. In case you already have your account with us, you can open a support ticket in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel in case the issue is entirely technical or it needs more investigation. Unlike the majority of providers on the market, we respond to all tickets within 1 hour, so you will not need to wait for a whole day. Our support services can be used twenty-four-seven, even during public holidays.

24/7 Customer Support in VPS Servers

In case you've got a Virtual Private Server from our company, you'll be able to get in touch with us 24/7 for any server-related issue or forany issues and questions about the pre-installed software your server is equipped with. In case you haven't obtained your VPS server plan yet, you will be able to find out a lot more about our services by giving us a phone call or by using our live chat service. For more technical issues, you're able to send an email or open a support ticket through your billing Control Panel and you'll receive support within no more than an hour no matter the time of the day, even on weekends and holidays. The actual answer time usually does not extend past 30 minutes. In case you'd like to have assistance for third-party software, you'll be able to reap the benefits of the Managed Services upgrade that you can include to each VPS package and our administrators will help you with any set up or troubleshooting issue you may have experienced.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Servers

All of the dedicated server packages that we supply include 24/7 support via different methods of communication and with a one-hour maximum reply time guarantee. When you want to learn more about the packages or you have any kind of billing or general questions, you're able to call one of the local numbers that we have worldwide or you can use our live chat service and talk to a live agent. For entirely tech issues which require assistance from a tech support person or an administrator, you will be able to open a ticket from your billing Control Panel or you can send an e-mail message, because all these channels are more appropriate to keep track of a certain problem. The reply time for them rarely surpasses 30 minutes, which means that you can forget about having to wait for a whole day in order to get support. Our support service is available for all the server-related matters, including the pre-installed software. In the event that you want assistance for third-party applications, you can consider obtaining the Managed Services upgrade that we provide for all plans.